
Physiotherapy is an evidence based treatment method that focuses on the science and physiology of movement and is used to help restore function, balance and control when someone is affected with an injury causing pain, illness or disability.

Physiotherapists can help to reduce the risk of injury, as well as rehabilitate through their expert knowledge, education, advice, manual techniques and exercise. Physiotherapy is a degree-based health care profession and is regulated by the Health & care Professions council (HCPC) to ensure high standards of professional practice are fulfilled through regular continuous professional development and research. Our physios are registered with the Health & Care professions council and are members of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists (CSP).

An active approach to Physiotherapy

Here at restörr Health we believe in taking a holistic approach to physiotherapy with education and movement at the centre of our methods. With our expert knowledge and clinical experience we understand the importance of education in order to restore balance within the body. We encourage an active approach to your treatment and rehab integrating a comprehensive assessment, manual techniques and rehabilitation whether you are wanting to achieve those athletic goals or improve function post injury. We use clinical Pilates methods alongside hands on treatment to empower you to feel confident in your movement, educate you to understand the root cause of your problem so we can get you back on track together.

Meet Lauren Storr

BSc (Hons). MCSP. HCPC. APPI Certified.

Lauren is a fully certified APPI Pilates instructor and is passionate about using her specialist knowledge to help clients recover from injury and empower people to be stronger, healthier and more confident in their body’s ability to move.

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